Task-teams 2016-2017

For the year 2016-2017, the QESST Student Leadership Council is shifting from a committee-based to a task-based structure. At the 2016 site visit QESST students identified the major tasks for the coming year and volunteered to handle them. These assignments, along with rough task descriptions, are given below. Ideally, about three students will work together on each task. Please consider volunteering to help with the tasks below. If you would like to help with a task or have any questions, please contact your University Liaison, the other students assigned to the task, and Rebecca Glaudell (2016-2017 Student Leadership Council President).




President/Vice President: Rebecca Glaudell / Silvana Ayala Pelaez

Task Description: Maintain a current list of graduate student membership. Facilitate communication between QESST leadership (e.g., Dr. Honsberg, Dr. Fraser) and students. Attend monthly videoconference with Keith Roper (NSF ERC Program Leader). Attend ERC Director’s Meeting in Washington, D.C. Compile SLC budget and submit it to QESST leadership by August 2016. Coordinate events with university liaisons. Persuade students to organize/participate in SLC events/programs. Oversee SLC events schedule. Give general presentation and SWOT presentation at Site Visit


Welcome Packet Preparation: April Jeffries (ASU), Sebastian Husein (ASU), Genevieve Hall (ASU)

Task Description: Assemble a document and videos that describe what QESST is and how QESST students can be involved in the center. Disseminate the packet to all QESST students and faculty. Persuade faculty to give brief talks describing thrusts, testbeds, and collaboration vehicles once/semester.



Task Description: Identify and recruit a speaker, work with University Liaison to schedule the seminar, publicize the seminar, ensure that the seminar is available to all QESST students via Vidyo, and if possible, record the seminar and distribute it within QESST.

Photovoltaics Market (2-4 per year): Joe Karas (ASU), Genevieve Hall (ASU)

Photovoltaics Policy and Law: Abhishek Iyer (UDel)

Climate Change: April Jeffries (ASU)

Life Cycle Analysis: Abhishek Iyer (UDel), volunteer needed from the sustainability groups

Patent Filing Process: Shelby Vorndran (UofA), Mark Bailly (ASU)

Industry Showcase (PV companies talk about their companies): volunteer needed, will work with John Mitchell to recruit speakers

Multicultural Networking Etiquette: Genevieve Hall (ASU)

Career Path Seminar Series: Sebastian Husein (ASU), Yongjie Zou (ASU)

Increasing Online Presence: Sebastian Husein (ASU)

Equipment Seminar Series: Sebastian Husein (ASU)


Perfect Pitch: Brad West (ASU), volunteers needed

Task Description: Recruit students to participate in Perfect Pitch Competition (http://erc-assoc.org/programs/pitch). Schedule QESST internal Perfect Pitch Competition in September-early October 2015. Work with Bob Sampson to allocate prizes for internal competition winners; submit prize values to Rebecca by end of July 2015. With John Mitchell, recruit PV industry members to judge the internal competition. Disseminate judging rubrics (prepared by Sebastian Husein) to judges before competition. Collect competitor’s slides prior to competition. Record competition. Tally and disseminate recording and results of competition.


SWOT Survey: Sisir Yalamanchili (Caltech), volunteers needed

Task Description: At the end of the fall semester 2015, prepare and distribute to all QESST students a survey containing questions about the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats facing QESST and the SLC. Redistribute survey until at least 50% of QESST students respond. Synthesize results of survey and prepare a few slides for use at the site visit. Share results of SWOT survey early in spring 2017 with SLC officers.


Annual Site Visit Student Retreat: Ehsan Vadiee (ASU), volunteers needed

Task Description: Reserve bus transportation to and boats at Bartlett Lake. Shop for and transport food for retreat. Estimate cost of retreat and send estimate to Rebecca by end of July 2015. Prepare student retreat schedule and distribute it to QESST students several days before the retreat.


Site Visit Student Coordination: Simone Bernardini (ASU), volunteers needed

Task Description: Disseminate Site Visit poster template to QESST students and collect electronic copies of posters in advance of site visit so that QESST leadership can review them before printing. Assist QESST administrators with poster displays as necessary. With Rebecca, prepare student site visit schedule with additional activities (e.g., SWOT discussions, hikes, etc.). Distribute this schedule to students.


Oversee Industry Mentorship Program: Sebastian Husein (ASU), Joe Karas (ASU)

Task Description: Recruit students and industry mentors. Pair students and mentors. Send out and receive feedback surveys once/semester.


Conference Coordination: Aymeric Maros (ASU), volunteers needed

Task Description: Work with University Liaisons to identify conferences that will be highly attended by QESST students. Obtain dates and times of attending students’ posters and presentations and disseminate that information to other attending students. Organize conference-specific dinners/luncheons (esp. PVSC and MRS). If student-centered events are planned, submit estimates of those costs to Rebecca by end of July 2015.


Coordinate Website Maintenance: Tara Nietzold (ASU), Danny Simonet (ASU), volunteer needed

Task Description: Obtain photo and extremely brief résumé of all current QESST Scholars and alumni. Update QESST Scholar (https://qesst.asu.eduabout-2/students) and SLC (https://qesst.asu.eduabout-2/student-leadership-council) pages on QESST website. With Robert Sampson and Katie Taylor, determine whether to hire a web developer. If a web developer is hired and paid from SLC budget, estimate cost and send estimate to Rebecca by end of July 2015.


QESST Products: April Jeffries (ASU), Genevieve Hall (ASU), volunteer needed

Task Description: With QESST leadership and admin., design and purchase products emblazoned with QESST logo. All QESST students ought to have at least one QESST shirt (t-shirt or polo). Other potential products include sweatshirts, cell phone chargers, water bottles, sunglasses, etc. Distribute products to QESST students and other relevant groups. If SLC funds are needed, estimate costs and send estimate to Rebecca by end of July 2015.


Create online outreach activity library: Rachel Woods-Robinson, Danny Simonet (ASU), Joe Carpenter (ASU), Silvana Ayala Pelaez (UofA)

Task Description: With QESST outreach coordinator Tiffany Rowlands, compile lesson plans for various PV-centered activities. Collect lesson plans in easily accessible online location.


Maintain QESST Twitter Accountvolunteer needed

Task Description: Describe recent QESST and SLC events via Twitter. Post a few times/month.


University Liaisons: 

Caltech: Philip Jahelka

University of Arizona: Benjamin Chrysler

Arizona State University: Pablo Guímera Coll

University of New Mexico: Ahmad Mansoori

University of Houston: Kaveh Shervin

University of Delaware: Abhishek Iyer

MIT: Erin Looney

GaTech: Evan Clinton

Tasks Description: Consistently (at least once/semester) update President/Vice President on QESST graduate student membership for their university. Persuade students at their university to organize/participate in SLC events/programs. Assist President and Vice President in organizing SLC events schedule. Tell Conference Coordinator ( Aymeric Maros, ASU) when students at their university are planning to attend major conferences. Update university equipment lists.