C2C US-Ireland
Center to Center (C2C): International Collaboration on Advanced Photovoltaics
Primary Objectives: Electrode Manufacturing and Indoor Power Applications
QESST: Christiana Honsberg (ASU) PI; Stuart Bowden (ASU), Stephen Goodnick (ASU), Zachary Holman (ASU), Richard King (ASU), Ian Mathews (MIT), Ian Marius Peters (MIT)
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (I-Form), Dublin City University: Dermot Brabazon, Greg Hughes
Irish Photonic Integration Center (IPIC), Tyndall Institute: Brian Corbett, Emanuele Pelucchi
Nanotechnology and Integrated Bio-Engineering Center (NIBEC), Ulster University: Davide Mariotti, Paul Maguire
Through an international partnership between QESST (USA), I-FORM, IPIC (RoI), and NIBEC (NI), perform transformative research on advanced photovoltaic (PV) technology that greatly extends the state of the art in three major areas:
- Advanced manufacturing processes
- Materials for high performance, low cost silicon and tandem PV technology
- New markets for PV in powering the internet of things (IoT) from indoor light sources.
C2C combines QESST’s PV manufacturing with the nanomaterial capabilities of I-FORM, IPIC, NIBEC.
Supplemental Material:
Kick-off Meeting Presentation – Dublin, Ireland, October 2020