C2C US-Ireland

Center to Center (C2C): International Collaboration on Advanced Photovoltaics

Primary Objectives: Electrode Manufacturing and Indoor Power Applications



QESST: Christiana Honsberg (ASU) PI; Stuart Bowden (ASU), Stephen Goodnick (ASU), Zachary Holman (ASU), Richard King (ASU), Ian Mathews (MIT), Ian Marius Peters (MIT)

I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (I-Form), Dublin City University: Dermot Brabazon, Greg Hughes

Irish Photonic Integration Center (IPIC), Tyndall Institute: Brian Corbett, Emanuele Pelucchi

Nanotechnology and Integrated Bio-Engineering Center (NIBEC), Ulster University: Davide Mariotti, Paul Maguire



Through an international partnership between QESST (USA), I-FORM, IPIC (RoI), and NIBEC (NI), perform transformative research on advanced photovoltaic (PV) technology that greatly extends the state of the art in three major areas:

  1. Advanced manufacturing processes
  2. Materials for high performance, low cost silicon and tandem PV technology
  3. New markets for PV in powering the internet of things (IoT) from indoor light sources.

C2C combines QESST’s PV manufacturing with the nanomaterial capabilities of I-FORM, IPIC, NIBEC.


Supplemental Material:

C2C Advanced PV Proposal

Kick-off Meeting Presentation – Dublin, Ireland, October 2020