Research Experience for Undergraduates

Program Dates: May 27-July 24, 2020
Application Deadline:  March 1, 2020
Apply today!

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REU students at the Solar Power Lab


Solar electric systems are popping up everywhere and the industry is growing at 30 % per year with sales over $30 billion. At ASU we have an industrial scale pilot line for making solar cells – the energy conversion device at the heart of a solar power system.

The QESST Engineering Research Center offers undergraduates the opportunity to participate in solar energy research. Through work on the pilot line, students will:

Examples of previously offered projects and their descriptions can be found here.



2016 REU students working at the Solar Power Lab at ASU.
REU students working at the Solar Power Lab at ASU.


Program Details

This 8-week program will take place at Arizona State University. Out-of-town participants not currently attending a local Arizona university or college will be provided with a double-occupancy dorm room and round-trip travel funding.  Participants will also receive a $1000 stipend to be paid bi-weekly. The final stipend will be mailed after room check-out and all program requirements are met, to allow all fees/fines to be cleared by the University.

Participants are required to attend the entire eight-week program. No classes will be held on the 4th of July holiday. Any proposed conflicts must be noted in application and will be addressed on an individual basis.

Enrollment Requirements


Application Requirements

Students interested in participating in the program will need to submit an application, a copy of their transcripts (unofficial accepted), and two letters of recommendation.  Upon acceptance into the program, documentation of U.S. citizenship will be required.

About the application:

Apply today!

Please send questions to:

Tiffany Rybiski ([email protected])
Education and Outreach Coordinator