News items and calendar events can be submitted for publication on the website and inclusion in our weekly newsletter at any time. Our publication deadlines are as follows:

  • The QESST news email is sent on Tuesdays after 5 p.m.
  • News and calendar events submitted before 5 p.m. on Monday will be considered for inclusion within the weekly email that goes out the following day.
  • News and calendar events submitted via the form below will take up to 48 hours to be reviewed and published.

  • Do you have news or an event?

    We'd love to share it! Submit a news item or calendar events to by filling out the form below.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Author Details

    Please enter your contact information, so we can forward questions about this new or event back to you

Making your post shine

Make your call to action clear! What is it that you want the audience to do after reading your post? Make sure you include a link or other way for people to complete your call to action.

Add contact information! Sometimes readers want to call or email with questions. Include your name, email address or phone number. (And sometimes our editors need to contact to clear up any confusion before publishing your news.)

Grab your reader’s attention!

Place important information at the top.

Important information is what gets the reader’s attention and your call to action! Try to keep in mind that what’s important to you may be different from what’s important to the reader.

Add meaningful pictures if you have them, and you have permission to use them.

If you are not the photographer, contact them first and ask for permission. If you’re the photographer, make sure that any friends in the photo give you their permission to use the photo in the newsletter.

Last but not least, check your grammar and spelling!

Still have questions? Contact [email protected].