Outreach News

ASU Homecoming: Saturday, Oct 22
Come join the fun for one of ASU’s largest signature homecoming events- the 2016 Homecoming Block Party. This event will feature activities for the whole family, including interactive displays, games and activities. This year, QESST will be hosting a booth outside the Engineering Research Center. We will be featuring solar cells made by QESST scholars,…

QESST Teachers use curriculum developed during the summer CompuGirls Program
Achievement date: June 2016 Outcome/Accomplishment: The Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies (QESST) at Arizona State University (ASU) implemented a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program that provides teachers with unique opportunities to develop and implement new solar curricula in their classrooms. QESST partnered with the CompuGirls Program at Arizona…

QESST participates in MESA Advisor Training
On Saturday, September 9, QESST participated in the annual MESA Advisor Training Institute (MATI) at South Mountain Environmental Education Center. Sixty teachers gathered from both the Central and Southern Regions of Arizona to learn about the competitions, share experiences and best practices, and make connections with peers, MESA staff, and Industry partners. QESST’s education team…

QESST celebrated a successful end to the 2016 summer REU, RET, and Young Scholar programs on July 29th. Undergraduate students and teachers from the states of Arizona, Mississippi, Ohio, Hawaii, South Carolina, California, and New Mexico met at the ASU Engineering Research Center and shared their research during a poster presentation. QESST hosted a luncheon…

QESST Hosts Delegation from Tec De Monterrey
On September 23-24, 2015, QESST faculty and scholars taught 21 architectural undergraduate students and 2 faculty members from Tecnologico de Monterrey how to design their own photovoltaic module. The visiting undergraduates worked with sixteen QESST Scholars during the two-day workshop, which was hosted by the Solar Power Lab in the ASU Research Park (Tempe, Arizona)….

QESST Installs Solar PV System in Monument Valley
On November 1, 2014, QESST Scholars and faculty completed the first phase of a solar PV system on a residence in the Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. The residence has no connectivity to grid electricity and thus has few options for electricity. The installed system ultimately will provide lighting in each room, as well as…

Alhambra Elementary School District
In an ongoing effort to create a culture of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), Arizona State University’s QESST program is proud to team up with the Alhambra Elementary School District to offer monthly opportunities for K-12 students and teachers to engage with STEM subjects. On Oct. 4 this program was kicked off. QESST provided…

Carrie Culp gains experience with QESST REU
Carrie Culp is a QESST REU success story and exemplifies how expanding authentic research opportunities to students from a diversity of backgrounds can impact lives. Carrie, a single mother of three kids, was frustrated after many years of working a minimally skilled, low paying job. Seeking to transform her life, she returned to college and…

QESST RET Teacher Wins Teacher of the Month
Joni Hood teaches 7th grade at Wingate Elementary School, a Bureau of Indian Education school, in New Mexico, and has participated in the QESST Research Experience for Teachers (RET) at UNM the last two years. She uses the stipend she receives from the QESST RET program to purchase Raycatcher cars to use in her classroom…

QESST Participates in Houston Energy Day
The Houston Energy Day on October 18, 2014, attracted over 15,000 people, including students, educators, families and business leaders. QESST team members from University of Houston were one of the more than 70 interactive demonstrations and exhibits teaching students and their families about solar energy technology.
QESST at South Valley Academy
For the second year in a row, the QESST team at UNM talked up photovoltaics to the entire 6th grade class at South Valley Academy on October 22, 2014. South Valley is a Title 1 school that serves a heavily Hispanic community. Most students from South Valley will be the first in their families to…

MESA Regional Workshop
On Sept. 20, 2014, QESST participated in the annual MESA Regional Workshop at Arizona State University’s Chandler Innovation Center. Forty teachers gathered from both the Central and Southern Regions of Arizona for a MESA Advisors Retreat. QESST’s Joe Carpenter and Tiffany Rowlands paired up and presented a lesson on maximizing the power of a solar…