Scholar Industry Meeting: APS Solar Operation tour
Courtesy of General Manager Bradley Albert, on February 10th from 1-3pm more than 15 QESST Students, from ASU and UofA, visited the headquarters of the biggest utility company in Arizona. GM Albert gave a detailed explanation of how the energy portfolio works at state and SW region levels, and showed us the daily challenges the…
Scholar Industry Meeting: Prism Solar tour in Tucson
Jose Castillo-Aguilella and Paul Hauser, from Prism Solar, entertained 12 QESST students from ASU and Tucson this past February 2nd of 2017. Prism Solar produces bifacial modules with glass-on-glass technology. During the meeting, they gave an excellent overview on how the silicon market has changed over the last decade and how their company, as a…
Successful Solar Cell 101 Workshop
Solar Cell 101 took place at the solar Power Lab, from January 10-13. It brought together QESST students from different Universities, as well as Industry partners, to learn about the process of making a solar cell. Each participant got the opportunity to take a QESST logo module, with some of them reaching 17.6% efficiency, with…
Participate in the Solar Cell Fabrication 101, this Jan. 10th-13th
ASU will be hosting Solar Cell 101 January 10-13, bringing together QESST scholars and industry partners to learn how to make solar cells in our student-led pilot line. The laboratory for ASU’s Solar Power Lab is a 4976 square foot state-of-the-art clean room with extensive handling for high purity gases and sophisticated semiconductor process equipment. Space is Limited, so apply early….
QESST Scholar: Connect with QESST Industry Partners
Do you want to gain valuable experience communicating your expertise to industry audiences? We are working to create opportunities for QESST scholars to communicate with industry. Thus, we would like to coordinate face-to-face or virtually presentations. If you are interested in participating, please complete this 5-item survey. Scholars who are nearing graduation should see this…
Perfect Pitch Competition
The Challenge: Pitch an innovated (business and technical) solution to a problem connected with the ERC strategic vision in a clear, compelling manner in 90 seconds with one slide. Answer the following three questions in 90 seconds: What real-life problem your research addresses How you solved it in a unique way What impact will your…
Outstanding Outreach Activity Award
Have you designed and tested an outstanding QESST Outreach activity? Share it with the community! Write up a detailed description of your BEST outreach activity. QESST SLC is working on a book of solar energy outreach activities. We need your best ideas. What’s in it for you? A FREE textbook of your choice for the…
Want to teach Children & Adolescents about PV engineering research? Take the QESST 1000 Word Challenge!
QESST Education and Outreach is challenging QESST scholars to explain their research to the general public using only the 1000 most common words in the English language: QESST Education and Outreach is challenging QESST scholars to explain their research to the general public. Describe…
ASU Homecoming: Saturday, Oct 22
Come join the fun for one of ASU’s largest signature homecoming events- the 2016 Homecoming Block Party. This event will feature activities for the whole family, including interactive displays, games and activities. This year, QESST will be hosting a booth outside the Engineering Research Center. We will be featuring solar cells made by QESST scholars,…
QESST for solar power to feed an energy hungry world
Researchers at the Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies (QESST) Engineering Research Center are hoping to meet much of the terawatt challenge with solar technology alone by vastly improving the performance of photovoltaic cells. QESST is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy under NSF grant #1041895, and is headquartered…
Building an Inclusive Environment at QESST – Workshop II
Dr. Delia Saenz, QESST Diversity Director, will be hosting Michael Begaye, Executive Director, ASU American Indian Student Support Services (AISSS), and Annabell Bowen, Coordinator of American Indian Initiatives, Office of University Provost, who will be presenting information to QESST faculty and scholars regarding how they recruit and retain Native American students, and ways in which…
Industry and Innovation Program
This past summer, many of the QESST Scholars took short-term positions and internships in industry. Hiring companies included First Solar, Veeco, Applied Materials, and Solexel. For example, Ph.D. students Yeongho Kim and Chaomin Zhang worked at Veeco’s facilities in Somerset, New Jersey. By meeting and interacting with Veeco’s management and technical teams, they learned first-hand…