Join us for the Literature Seminar: The Practice of Uselessness

Cathedral Image for Short Story Club
Cathedral Image for Short Story Club
Cathedral, Short Story by Raymond Carver

After the success of the 1st literature seminar (where A Report to an Academy” was read), comes the 2nd iteration of The Practice of Uselessness, organized by our Advocacy leader Mehdi.

For this coming session we are honored to have Dr. Jason Bryant as our guest speaker. He has suggested to read a short story named “Cathedral” (click on title for the file!) written by Raymond Carver. Carver contributed to the revitalization of the American short story in literature during the 1980s.

Jason Bryant is an English instructor at Arizona State University, where he teaches courses on ethnicity and sexuality as themes in contemporary American literature. His research interests include social identity, theories of subjectivity, domestic fiction, and materialism. He lives in south Scottsdale with his husband, two dogs, and two cats.

Please read the story beforehand and please pass this along to any friends that you think may be interested. Access will be available via Zoom for non-ASU students who are willing to participate.


When:   Tue May 9th, 2017,   6 pm – 7:30 pm (MST)

Where:  Engineering Research Center (ERC), first floor, Room: 189.


Snacks will be provided.

See you there!