Want to teach Children & Adolescents about PV engineering research? Take the QESST 1000 Word Challenge!












QESST Education and Outreach is challenging QESST scholars to explain their research to the general public using only the 1000 most common words in the English language:


QESST Education and Outreach is challenging QESST scholars to explain their research to the general public.

Describe what you are doing as a QESST engineering researcher and explain how you are doing it. You could also include an obstacle you encountered, how you collaborated with someone doing similar work, and explain how your work applies to one of the four QESST thrusts.

Your 1000 Word Challenge essay could take the form of a news story focused on a single research study, or it can have a broader focus, including reference to several scientists and research projects. Or you might write it up as a new story on the latest in scientific innovations. Most texts written for students portray science as a static body of knowledge (Jordan, 2015). Help young learners understand that science and engineering are dynamic collaborative processes done by real, live, diverse people!

What’s in it for you?

– A FREE textbook of your choice for the top three submissions (*up to $250.00 value!)

– Gain engineering communication skills, an ABET standard

– Publication on the QESST website and possible other publishing outlets (we will help you edit your writing for publication)

– Help children and adolescents understand photovoltaic engineering research

– An award to add to your CV!

Things to Know:

  • Essays should be no less that 500 and no more than 1000 words

  • Essays should be at least 90% words from the 1000 most common words in the English language: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:1000_basic_English_words

  • Submissions will be judged by a panel comprised of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College students/faculty and QESST members

  • Competition deadline: December 20, 2016

  • Submit to: Michelle Jordan, QESST Education & Outreach Director [email protected]

Need help getting started?

View Science News for Students, an award-winning open-access publication as a model: http://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/

Under the Topics tab, check out: Humans & Society, Inventions and Innovations, Doing research, Math & Technology, Physics & Chemistry, A search on “photovoltaics” turned up these stories: http://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/search?st=photovoltaics