QESST Scholar Awarded Graduate Education Completion Fellowship

J Fuller
Jenn Fuller, awarded the Graduate Education Completion Fellowship

Jen Fuller, a QESST ERC and CSPO (Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes) scholar has been awarded a Graduate Education Completion Fellowship for Spring 2015 in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) at Arizona State University (ASU).

Completion Fellowships are awarded to support a student’s degree completion of a PhD, and are made on the basis of a demonstrated ability to complete research/projects of high quality, along with the assurance that a semester of full-time effort will allow the student to complete their dissertation.  Jen is expected to graduate in May 2015 with a PhD in Environmental Social Science.

Her research focuses on the connections between energy and communities in Treviso, Italy and Flagstaff, Arizona.  She is particularly interested in how community solar projects promote their endeavors as changing not only technical energy systems, but also social systems in the ways that people relate to each other.   Jen uses sociotechnical imaginaries theory from science and technology studies (STS) and scholarship on community electricity from Human Geography to anchor her work.   She is most interested in the connections between the way that energy is imagined in the public sphere, and how that connects to both the everyday and policy implications.