QESST First Annual Site Visit Review

Katie Nelson (QESST Scholar) during Poster Presentation
Katie Nelson (QESST Scholar) during Poster Presentation

QESST scholar, Katie Nelson, discusses her poster on QESST educational initiatives with members of the NSF/DOE site visit team.  During the two-day site visit, QESST scholars presented their research during a poster session attended by the site visit team, QESST faculty and scholars from all eight QESST universities, and potential industry consortium members.  Selected QESST scholars also presented talks during a special session for industry representatives. Talks included:

  • Chemical Passivation of III-V Semiconductors for Small and High Efficiency Solar Cells, presented by Carissa Eisler from CalTech
  • Predictive Modeling: Changing the Paradigm of Si Solar Cell Processing, presented by David Fenning from MIT
  • III-Nitride PV, presented by Brendan Gunning from Georgia Tech
  • A Novel Method For Semiconductor Wafering, presented by James LeBeau from ASU
  • Monolithic Tandem GaSb/GaAs PV cell utilizing Interfacial Misfit (IMF) Dislocation Tunnel Junction, presented by Orlando Romero from University of New Mexico
  • Light Management in Photovoltaics with Volume Holographic Gratings, presented by Deming Zhang from the University of Arizona
  • Hybrid Solar Cells: Silicon-Organic Devices, presented by Nicole Kotulak from the University of Delaware
  • Dilute Nitride MQW Solar Cells, Pushing the limits of Multi Junction Systems, presented by Gopi Vijaya from the University of Houston