QESST First Annual Site Visit Review

QESST scholar, Katie Nelson, discusses her poster on QESST educational initiatives with members of the NSF/DOE site visit team. During the two-day site visit, QESST scholars presented their research during a poster session attended by the site visit team, QESST faculty and scholars from all eight QESST universities, and potential industry consortium members. Selected QESST scholars also presented talks during a special session for industry representatives. Talks included:
- Chemical Passivation of III-V Semiconductors for Small and High Efficiency Solar Cells, presented by Carissa Eisler from CalTech
- Predictive Modeling: Changing the Paradigm of Si Solar Cell Processing, presented by David Fenning from MIT
- III-Nitride PV, presented by Brendan Gunning from Georgia Tech
- A Novel Method For Semiconductor Wafering, presented by James LeBeau from ASU
- Monolithic Tandem GaSb/GaAs PV cell utilizing Interfacial Misfit (IMF) Dislocation Tunnel Junction, presented by Orlando Romero from University of New Mexico
- Light Management in Photovoltaics with Volume Holographic Gratings, presented by Deming Zhang from the University of Arizona
- Hybrid Solar Cells: Silicon-Organic Devices, presented by Nicole Kotulak from the University of Delaware
- Dilute Nitride MQW Solar Cells, Pushing the limits of Multi Junction Systems, presented by Gopi Vijaya from the University of Houston